Last weekend was wonderful and bittersweet for me. It was Tod and Lou’s “retirement” weekend and it was with a great group of people. Tod walked into his first show ring less than a year ago and in that time has won 7 Best In Show and 3 Reserve Best awards.
Tod won two Best In Shows this weekend, and for his last show ever got a Reserve Best In Show ribbon, I instantly cried knowing it was his “last” ribbon for my bestest boy. Lou won two Group 1’s and a Group 2, she finished her UKC CH and got her novice Precision Coursing title to be awarded as a Total Dog regional qualifier at the Washington Classic, this in addition to her AKC Rally Obedience and Trick Dog award titles she already earned.
AKC has denied my request to change Tod’s limited registration to full registration to allow us to show at specialities, so it’s all about Bubba now 🥰